Michael Nardulli
Independent Adjustment Co.
Michael started his career crawling out of a sewer pipe, he was a devoted fan of the Mutant Ninja Turtle’s and wanted to fight warriors. Soon the warrior job got old and he decided it was time for a real career. Along came GAB and he started as a trainee, learning casualty and property claims adjusting. Mike quickly moved on to AIG, Michael Frank, and then become the Owner and President of Independent Adjustment Co. A long way from fighting warriors to fighting the LIE on a Friday afternoon. Michael has been a General Adjuster for over 29 years and handles all lines of property and casualty claims.
Michael is a graduate of Lehman College. He is a member of the National Association of Independent Adjusters, The Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, Registered Professional Adjusters and the New York Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters. Michael also is a Director of Claims Professionals Liability Insurance Company (A Risk Retention Group) and the Treasurer of the International Institute of Loss Adjusters